"How to Set Up e-Mail on Your Android Tablet"
The Email app on your Android tablet is used to access web-based e-mail, or webmail, from Yahoo! Mail, Windows Live, and what-have-you. To get things set up regardless of the service, follow these steps:
- Start the Email app.
Look for it in the Apps drawer.
If you’ve run the Email app before, you see the Email inbox and you’re done.
If you haven’t yet run the Email app, the first screen you see is Account Setup.
Type the e-mail address you use for the account.
Type the password for that account.
If you’re lucky, everything is connected and you can move on to Step 5.
Set the account options on the aptly named Account Options screen.
Touch the Next button.
Give the account a name
Touch the Next or Done button.
You’re done.